Sunday, October 24, 2010

Resume's and business plans

Today's question for the group was: Have you ever been (or are you still) being called by God to step out in faith where the idea was too challenging, too scary or just seemed too bizarre so that you immediately rationalized it away to the bottom drawer (so to speak) - but it seems to come back time and time again?

How many times do we rationalize away our greater calling and miss out on a great adventure that was actually part of God's plan? I recognize this place because I have - perhaps for far too long - been doing exactly that. My reasons for inaction are simple and easy, immediate and effective: Its too scary, its not really Gods voice, its me wanting something special, an escape from my dreary life style, that deep hole that yearns for recognition, if it is God's work, He will find someone else to do it, I need to provide for my family, I don't have the skills and although I know that God wants to use me in my weakness, even that sounds too spiritual for reality, a rationalization in itself. The list goes on and on.

Reflecting on this question,  it seems that God works in community and in themes. When I share my dreams and callings with other christian leaders and friends, its usually the time when connections are made to other ideas, issues and causes others are being pulled towards from within their own walk with God. In this community, some themes sometimes emerge and serve to confirm our thoughts and ideas are in line with the Kingdom work around us. The role of faith and close companionship through prayer with our Lord is obviously crucial. At the end of the day, God is speaking to me personally. Only through my experience that I can trust God, can I in faith move forward to start walking where He calls me to.

Interesting to note - The resumes of this world expects us to sell ourselves, our wonderful skills, great experience, contributions and immaculate character, leadershp skills and don't forget the "teamwork" word. The resume for Gods work looks different: I don't have what it takes Lord, but I trust you will equip me. I don't know what I am getting into and I doubt my abilities - and God says "Great, I can use you".

The business plans we take to the bank and development corporations are documents bulging with confidence. All possible scenarios's are covered, nothing is overlooked. The future carefully anticipated and calculated. The business plan for God's work is different again: It does cover due dilligence but it declares that we can only see the next step and there is a huge blank page titled: FAITH.

1 comment:

  1. Dad--this is so true! i think that when God equips us he gives us the means to create awesome business plans and ultimately sees through with their success, but its definitely a humbling thought think of ourselves as totally, completely dependent on God. Good writing!
